Flatholmen Lighthouse

Flatholmen and the lighthouse is a gem out in the sea

Flatholmen Lighthouse

The Lighthouse Keeper at Flatholmen

Flatholmen is a small and beautiful island between Tananger and the larger island of Rott. The island of Flatholmen got a lighthouse of its own in 1862. The lighthouse beaconed the way into Tananger Harbour for many ships. Originally, the lighthouse stood as part of the lighthouse keeper's residence. The residence holds an outbuilding, a engine house and a boathouse. The keeper of the lighthouse run the lighthouse on this small island and naturally his family had to help out. Today the lighthouse is automated and there are no permanent residents on the island.

Flyfoto av Tananger havn, Flatholmen og Rott.
Port of Tananger. Out in the sea you can see the island of Flatholmen with the lighthouse and the larger island of Rott to the right. Photo: Elisabeth Tønnessen.

The Girls at Flatholmen

Flatholmen Lighthouse is most famous for a dramatic event that occurred in January 1894. The lighthous keeper hath an errand in Tananger, and set out from Flatholmen island in a small boat. He had two of his sons with him in the boat. Back at Flatholmen were his other two children, the daughters Bertine and Esther.

From Flatholmen, the daughters could watch their father's boat capsize out at sea. The girls pulled out another boat and rowed out to help. The respect for their father's job sat deep in the family. The two young girls managed to keep the lighthouse going, while trying to rescue their father and brothers. They managed to rescue one of the brothers, never to se their father or the other brother again. Bertine and Ester is commemorated with a statue in the Tananger habour today.

Foto av skulpturen Jentene på Flatholmen.
The sculpture “The Girls at Flatholmen” at Tananger harbour. Photo: Sola Municipality

Flatholmen Fyr's Friends

Since the early 2000s, various organisations have organised tours to the Flatholmen lighthouse. In 2023, the municipality of Sola leased the lighthouse to the association Friends of Flatholmen Lighthouse. The Friends of Flatholmen Lighthouse keeps the lighthouse open and accessible to the general public, but until further notice it will not be possible to provide accommodation at the lighthouse. The island and the lighthouse complex are accessible to hikers, who are encouraged to show consideration for the birdlife.

Read more about Flatholmen lighthouse (flatholmenfyr.no)

Read more about the girls at Flatholmen (kytkultursamling)

Find Flatholmen lighthouse on map (Google maps)

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