The Landscape of Jæren

Sola is located in the middle of the ancient landscape of Jæren. The landscape is characterized by flat terrain, long beaches, open skies, and beautiful variations of light.

The Landscape of Jæren

The landscape of Jæren is flat and has a wide horizon. The beach zone along the Jær coast varies from light sandy beaches with fine sand, to rock piles that the sea churns on to pebbles. With wide horizons and light being filtered and reflected by the sea, many artists over the years have been tempted to create spring paintings. The landscape painters Kitty Kielland and Nicolay Ulfsten are two of many artists who have been fascinated by the many characteristics of the ancient landscape.

During the last ice age, about 12,000 years ago, the landscape was covered by a large ice cap that transported large amounts of rocks that were deposited here when the ice cap melted. Large masses of stone is characteristic for this flatt scenery, which is also famous for its many long stone fences.

The landscape of Jæren. Photo: Flemming Stene

Many of the beaches along the Jæren coast are characterised by sand dunes. Photo: Flemming Stene

Reve harbour. Photo: Flemming Stene

The wast landscape of Jæren. Photo: Elisabeth Tønnesen

The Jæren landscape with sand dunes. Photo: Elisabeth Tønnesen
Beach with surfers. Photo: Elisabeth Tønnesen

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